Unleashing Potential
Virtual Meditation Retreat With Jeff Carreira
A Fundraiser to Benefit Inner Strength Foundation
December 6, 2020
11AM – 4PM
US Eastern Time
Held Via
Video Conference

From the moment we are born we have been in an unbroken process of realizing and growing into our higher potentials. Our inner potential is never blocked. It is always available, accessible, vibrant, and ready to burst forth.
But it doesn’t always feel that way. We often feel constrained by life and burdened by our own unrealized potential.
Especially in the times we’re living in, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by practicalities and weighed down by the strife in the world. Realizing our deeper
potentials takes a back seat to simply getting through each day.
The feeling of being overwhelmed by life becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy that clips our wings and limits our ability to even try for more.
Meditation Help?
You might think of meditation as just sitting quietly and wonder how in the world that could possibly unlock your potential.
Meditation is not just sitting quietly–meditation is a way to free yourself from the inner distractions of a tumultuous mind that keep you from realizing your higher capacities. It is a method to release our potential.
Meditation enables you to quiet the demands of the world and find a powerful source of inner strength and insight within yourself.
Most of all, meditation can reveal to you how to live without a gnawing sense of lack. Through meditation, you can experience for yourself a sense of inner fulfillment, just as you are. You can see that you have much more energy, heart, and resilience than you ever dreamed of and meditation can enable you to
unleash that creative potential.
Join us for this special daylong virtual meditation retreat

- Beginners and experienced meditators will receive easy to follow and potent instructions on how to meditate, what to do about thoughts, and ways to let go of worry.
- You will experience how to shift your consciousness into a direct and tangible experience of fullness, wholeness, and well-being
- You will learn to rest in the direct awareness of your own unlimited potential, leading you to realize that place inside you that is always peaceful and fulfilled.
Jeff Carreira has been teaching meditation and transformational philosophy for decades around the world. He is masterful at helping people to shift into a
liberated state of consciousness and realize their own extraordinary capacity for insight and love.
Jeff’s method, “The practice of No Problem,” shows you how to let all the challenges of life be as they are, without struggle, in order to realize your own access to the boundless energy and inspiration that lies beyond the sense that something is wrong.
Once you discover your inner resources, you will be fueled by an inexhaustible source of creativity that will allow you to meet the challenges of the world. You will see new perspectives that can lead to unanticipated solutions. And you will be filled with a deep sense of compassion, generosity, and gratitude. If you feel an urgent desire to unlock your own potential and bring more goodness and love into this world, this meditation retreat is for you.

Help Teens While You Help Yourself
100% of your tuition for this retreat will be used to support the wellbeing of young people in the Philadelphia school system
Each registration will allow three teenagers in the Philadelphia public schools to be trained in the Inner Strength System, a special 12-week mindfulness and systems thinking empowerment program.
Teenagers are under enormous pressure right now with social distancing online learning, and the call for greater equity in our culture. If you feel moved to support them, this is a wonderful and uplifting way to help.
Suggested donation: $100
We recognize that these are challenging economic times for many.
We welcome everyone who would like to attend the retreat. If needed,
you may register to attend under sliding scale, Pay As You Can.
Thank you from the director
of The Inner Strength Foundation
Thank you for your interest in unlocking your potential And thank you for your generous support of our city’s teens.
Teens are at a critical stage of development. The values, habits, and tools they establish now will guide them the rest of their lives. Your registration directly helps us give adolescents tools to be responsible, reflective, and resilient young adults.
This year more than 2,000 high school students will be participating in the Inner Strength 3-month program, learning about mindful contemplation, the nature of thought, how to cultivate a posture of generosity, love, and kindness, and how their brains and our shared culture have evolved.
What better way to help the next generation develop the skills and outlook they need to become the wise and compassionate leaders of tomorrow?

About Inner Strength Foundation
Cancellation Policy
Your registration is a direct donation to Inner Strength Foundation and is processed as such. If you would like to withdraw your donation, please contact admin AT
and we will assist you with the process.
What Will My Donation
Be Used For?