Weekday Virtual Meditation Access Information

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Morning Meditation Circle
Weekdays (Mondays – Fridays)
8:00am (US Eastern Time)

Welcome to the morning virtual meditation circle. It’s a wonderful support and inspiration to be able to connect with others in stillness. I lead these virtual meditations weekdays, five days a week (Monday through Friday) from 8 AM – 8:30 AM US Eastern Time.

The format is simple and open. I offer some reflection or meditation instructions for a couple minutes at the beginning, then we sit in silence for half an hour, and share a dedication for a minute at the end. You are welcome to join via video or by phone. On your screen you will be able to see the other practitioners who have joined. Some dial in from other countries and continents.

We use Zoom for the meditations. Zoom is a service you can download for free to your phone or computer.

Here’s how you join:

Step 1:  Click on this link: https://zoom.us/j/9335345788

You will enter our “meeting room.”

(If this is the first time that you have used Zoom, a download will instantly open. Click to install your zoom video interface. You will be requested to fill out a sign in form, choose your name and password. This is a free service.)

Step 2: To support others in their silent meditation, especially if you join after the meditation has started, please click your “Mute” button when you enter the call. That way if you need to readjust your laptop or phone, or have background noise, it will not be heard by the others. The Mute button is located on the bottom left of your video screen.

If it’s your first time using Zoom, please join early to familiarize yourself with the controls.

Click on the “Gallery View” icon on the top right of your screen if you’d like to see everyone else in the virtual “meditation room.”

You can turn your own camera off if you’d prefer. Everyone will still know you are in the room without your live video.

Alternate Phone Access: If you would like to join by phone, you can dial either of these access numbers:
+1 408 638 0968
+1 646 558 8656

When you are prompted, enter our meeting room number 933-534-5788

When it asks for a participant number, press: #

(Remember to mute your phone during the meditation so it is quiet for everyone. Thank you!)

Occasionally I am working with teens in school in the early mornings or traveling. On those mornings someone else will mark the beginning and end of the sessions. I will be with you in spirit!

I look forward to sharing the Silence together.


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please help teens learn to meditate!
Donate here:[/x_custom_headline][x_button size=”regular” block=”false” circle=”false” icon_only=”false” href=”https://www.paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/1486977″ title=”support teen meditation” target=”blank” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover” info_content=””]Support Teen Meditation[/x_button][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]

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