Image of a person igniting internal flame

As soon as I woke up this morning, I felt inspired – no, compelled – to write. I wasn’t sure what I was going to say, but I trusted that the words would come. I took some time to just sit with myself, with my emotions, and with my thoughts. I created mental and emotional space to really lean in and connect with my spirit. And what I have found – and haven’t found – is interesting.

I have not found shock, depression, despair, or panic. Instead, amidst fury, grief, and sadness, I found a stirring and a well of deep resolve. An inner strength, if you will, and a flame that will not – that cannot – be extinguished.

I have also found questions, many of which are variations of, “What do we do now?” Some of those variations don’t have fully solidified answers. But some, rising to the surface of the well, do.

So, what do we do now? Each of us must connect with our own internal flames. We must elevate our compassion, resolve, and resilience.

But that is not enough. Now is the time to unleash our talents, to turn potential into action, to transform the intangible into the tangible. Our flames will not be extinguished by hate, racism, misogyny, fear, and violence. 

As we wade through these murky, uncharted waters, let us be mindful of the light that still exists. Find and connect with others who have beacons that are shining bright. Perform acts of kindness. Help those in need. Hug. Remember activities that bring you joy. Go do them. Eat. Drink water. Enjoy the fall colors. Find all the things that fuel you. And once you have enough fuel, pour it onto your internal flame.

We have work to do.


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